Friday, January 24, 2020

Much Ado About Nothing :: essays research papers

Shakespeare is known for his incredible ways of writing and his master pieces of literature that he produces. But, why is that one might ask? Just like a master artist, Shakespeare makes the fine detail the important part of his writing as an artist would in a masterpiece of a painting. For instance a piece of literature that enables Shakespeare to express his fine detail is “Much Ado About Nothing';, a romantic comedy. The fine detail is the characters and how they are fully developed and amazingly expressed. One character in the play is Benedick and he is expressed in an interesting way. Benedick is a character that not only deceives other characters in the play, but most of all he deceives himself. Benedick’s deceiving ways derive him to be a hypocritical character; this phenomenon makes his role compellingly intriguing in the play “Much Ado About Nothing';.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benedick has a unique view toward love, he wants no part in giving or receiving love. He has a simple way to live, “I will live a bachelor'; (Shakespeare I .i.176), he first chooses not to get involved in the love scheme. Benedick has strong hold on that feeling and what’s to keep it that way. Encounters with a character known as Beatrice prove this to be true. Everytime these characters see one another arguments are endless, and put downs are fired back and forth. In fact Benedick tells her “...I would I could find in my heart that had not a hard heart, for truly I love none'; (I.i.92), his one way view is expressed to confirm his stubborn ways of love. The bickering between these two make it obvious that there is a hidden-love, which has potential. All the while Benedick is making clear that he will not fall to love and nothing will change his view. The deception will come from his view that is extremely well grounded.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another instance where Benedick’s deceiving way are used is later in the play. This time Benedick is the deceived instead of the deceiver. This is where Benedick becomes a hypocrite. Deception still is taking place, just in different ways. Close friends of Benedick known that Benedick is listening to their conversation, and they say how Beatrice and is in love with him and he should go for this. Playing with his mind they say “Shall we go seek Benedick, and tell him of her love?'; (III.i.154), they known that Benedick is listening so they don’t have to tell him. Benedick starts to believe that this is true and his feelings suddenly change.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Shadow of Hate

The Shadow of Hate The documentary remarks on the origins of race and how it has affected history and its people. There has been a history of intolerance in America against the â€Å"them†, the others. â€Å"Them†, being the different, the unknown. It is clear that people are afraid of the unknown because of the uncertainty it brings thus they immediately label anything different as â€Å"them†. The ultimate concept I was able to derive from the documentary was that race is an idea created by society to further certain people; whether it be on a political, social, or economical aspect.The Shadow of Hate accounts the troubling relic embedded in our country, which is the overwhelming prejudice that has occurred in America for centuries. Quakers, Native Americans, and the Japanese-Americans are a few groups that have been significantly affected by whites’ obsession and preoccupation to remain â€Å"superior† to the rest, the â€Å"them†. The doc umentary even brings forth current tensions that cause rifts between our cities and communities.I found alarming how Thomas Jefferson, one of our nation’s own Founding Fathers and the principal writer of the Declaration of Independence, owned slaves and wrote how the blacks were â€Å"inferior to the whites†. The man who wrote â€Å"All men are created equal†, was the man who lived by exactly the opposite of his own words. Learning of how the slave trade became popular in America only deepened my view of people’s skewed perception of blacks. Since matters in Europe were settling down, less Europeans felt the need to relocate to America where they would pay for their voyage through servitude.When the indentured servants from Europe became scarce, it caused a labor shortage therefore farmers turned to the Atlantic slave trade where they traded goods in return for slaves. Trading people for materials expresses their view of how slaves were merely â€Å"mate rials† needed for their farms. Slaves were not people, they were objects, and why? Because of their skin color. Something as shallow as a color has affected so much of our history. The same goes for the Native Americans. They were moved to and fro, in their own land.They observed as their land was being taken away, not allowed to say anything. Those that did, were silenced. Americans took advantage of them by forcing them to assimilate and to become â€Å"civilized†. The Americans took away their cultural identity and rushed them into a culture completely unknown to them. I do find this to be one of the most tragic occurrence of prejudice in our nation. The Native Americans once had such a rich culture with unique clothes, music, and food; only for them to be stripped of them.Most Native Americans cooperated with the Americans and converted to Christianity, earned an English education, and learn to farm. They began own land and some even owned slaves. This I find troubl ing because I feel this gave the Native Americans a false sense of superiority and not only that, but having a minority enslave a minority makes no moral sense in my view. Eventually, with Jefferson’s support, the Native Americans assimilated and little by little, signed away their land until they were left with practically nothing (gave away over 90% of their land).The Native Americans very much tried to become part of the American culture, yet they were once again relocated as dictated by the Indian Removal Act of 1830. A quarter of them died on the journey alone in 1838. This is why I also find the Native Americans’ history of prejudice so disheartening– because they attempted to assimilate into American culture, and they did, yet they were once again abused and forced to move from their own land again. The other examples of prejudice such as when the Mexican soldier to served in the U.S. army was not allowed a proper burial at first, foreshadowed the next fe w decades of prejudice America would experience. I gained a lot from the film, learning of how warped people’s views were of blacks and other races. Educated scientists such as Agassiz, Morton, and Nott all agreed that any race that was not white, was inferior. Agassiz and other scientists even pooled together all research to conclude that blacks were a different species in â€Å"Types of Mankind†.It is alarming that educated scholars once processed information this way and truly believed they were correct. It is dangerous when educated people believe they are correct on anything and then publish because many people will read their work and believe that the writer/researcher must be correct because he/she is educated. Skin color was not the only aspect Americans based their racism upon, religion also took an important role in our country’s history with prejudice. Leo Frank was subjected to peoples’ hatred because of his religion.I find that the song state d in the documentary reflects how casually people, even children, expressed their hatred. Even at a young age, children learn a lot from their surroundings and they would objectify people based on their religion. â€Å"Little Mary Phagan went to work one day, little did she know the Jew would take her life away† was the song little kids would sing to as they danced in a circle and played around. I feel that this reflects how casually dominant prejudice appeared in society at the time.The fact alone that whites invented this â€Å"White Mans Burden† reflects their obsession with believing they are superior. An extra ego-booster for them was when they took control of Guam, Mexico and the Philippines after their victory against Spain in 1898. They felt that it was just another opportunity for them to tell other people of other cultures what to do, how to dress, how to speak, what to believe etc. America emerged as the most prosperous country and most powerful empire in th e world at the 20th century, once again, reinforcing their preoccupation with superiority.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Analysis Of The Article Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

In the article â€Å"Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act,† the National Women’s Law Center states, on average, women earn 78 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn. Of these women, African American women earn 64 cents, while Latin American women earn a mere 55 cents. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act became one of the many stepping stones in achieving equal pay. Women must continue to make people aware of the discrimination they faced in the workplace on a daily basis. Wage discrimination is embedded in our legal system. The ongoing battle for equal pay for women dates back to the Civil War. Throughout history, men seemed as the ideal-type of employers. Men were primary the breadwinners, and women who worked at the time only pinch in money oppose to having a stable salary equivalent to their male counterparts. The job roles such as nurses, teacher, and retail sales clerk became a â€Å"traditional female† occupations. In â€Å"Here’s the History of the Battle for Equal Pay for American Women,† Charlotte Alter points out a letter sent to the editor of the New York Times on February 1869. In this letter, the writer questioned why female government officials did not have similar pay to their male colleagues: ‘Very few persons deny the justice of the principle that equal work should command equal pay without regard to the sex of the laborer.’ Even in the late 19th century in which men had far more opportunities than wo men, people question the inequality in regards of the workplace. TheShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Of Equal Pay For Women2919 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction: On January 29, 2016, The White House Press Office released a FACT SHEET on new steps to advance equal pay for women. This FACT SHEET states that, â€Å"the median wage of a woman working full-time all year in the United States is about $39,600—only 79 percent of a man’s median earnings of $50,400† (The White House, 2016). 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